Blood Fountains

Free lunch! Blood Fountains were ornamental fountains that flowed with blood instead of water
Free lunch! Blood Fountains were ornamental fountains that flowed with blood instead of water

Blood Fountains featured in Blood Omen. They were huge ornamental fountains, decorated with horned skulls, which flowed with blood instead of water. They bestowed Kain with new abilities as he journeyed throughout Nosgoth.

When Kain entered a Blood Fountain chamber, he would be invited to drink from it. Kain could only drink from each fountain once. After the first time, the red blood turned black and it would harm Kain if he tried to consume it. The Blood Fountain would rebuke Kain for being "greedy".[1,2]

The abilities bestowed by the fountains were essential to Kain's progress. He needed the strength they granted to move boulders that blocked his path. He needed to gain his Beguile Form before he could speak with King Ottmar in Willendorf. Below is a list of what the nine fountains did:[3]

  • Three increased Kain's strength.[4]
  • Three increased the rate at which Kain's magical energy restored itself.[5]
  • One gave protection from rain.[6]
  • One gave protection from snow.[7]
  • One enhanced Kain's Disguise Form, changing it to the Beguile Form.[3]

Silicon Knights' Blood Omen FAQ included details about the Blood Fountains, with one page giving illustrated directions to find them.[8,9]


  1. [BO1] Blood Fountain: "The Blood of Ages flows so sweet. Come, drink from us..."
  2. [BO1] Blood Fountain: "Do not be greedy, vampire. You have had your fill."
  3. [BO1] Kain: "Within the tomb, a fountain of blood would allow me to cast the most noble of illusions, and gain entry to the city of the Mighty Lion."
  4. [BO1] Blood Fountain: "Your strength has increased, for our blood enhances."
  5. [BO1] Blood Fountain: "Your magic energy recovers more quickly, for our blood enhances."
  6. [BO1] Blood Fountain: "The snow will do you no harm, for our blood preserves."
  7. [BO1] Blood Fountain: "The rain will do you no harm, for our blood preserves."
  8. The 'Common Locations' page of the Silicon Knights Blood Omen FAQ
  9. The 'Locations of the Blood Fountains' page of the Silicon Knights Blood Omen FAQ

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