This is a copy of the Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain FAQ, produced by Silicon Knights, and previously hosted on their website ( As it is no longer available there, it has been archived here for the time being. Click here to return to Dark Chronicle.

Legacy of Kain Secrets: Page 2 of 9

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In Vasserbunde is a house the entrance is blocked by menhir. Smash it with the mace and enter.

In the upper left corner of the West room is a green light. Behind the equipment is the floor switch.

Go back to the central room. The cage has shifted to the left and revealed a hidden door.

South of Vasserbunde follow the river to the west in mist form to find hidden powerups.

South of Vasserbunde on the way to Nupraptor's check this area and keep your mace handy.


At Nupraptor's in the lower jaw is a switch.

That will allow you access to a secret.


South West of Coorhagen is a small cache of powerups but you will need your mace.

South East of Coorhagen is a moon key door that leads to a Spirit Forge.

To get to the Hate Spell Dungeon

Inside Coorhagen is a very nasty secret indeed. Enter this house and go downstairs.

In this room flip the switch in the upper right corner.

Then proceed to this room and pull the chain.

Go to this room and pull another chain.

Return to the first switch and flip it again. You now have access to the Hate Spell.

Return to the secrets page or, go forward to the third file of secrets, or back to the first.