Soul Reaver: Health Power-Ups
Below are directions to each of the fifteen health power-ups that Raziel could find in Soul Reaver. Often he could not collect them when he first spotted them; Raziel required the Soul Reaver and/or other abilities - mostly gained by devouring the souls of the mutated vampire lieutenants - to reach them.
Health power-ups reachable after gaining the Phase Through Gates ability
Health Power-Up 1
Location: |
The Necropolis (Melchiah's territory) |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates |
- Return to Melchiah's clan territory via the Warp Gate. Exit the Warp Gate chamber into the area with the lake.
- There are a couple of underwater tunnels linking this part of the lake with others. Assuming Raziel enters the lake from the Warp Gate side, take the tunnel to the right.
- At the end of this tunnel, there are two ornate underwater grates. One blocks the entrance to the Force Glyph Altar, the other has a health power-up behind it. Phase through the grate to collect the power-up.
- If you look for this power-up immediately after killing Melchiah, it is quicker to jump into the first body of water you see on the way back to the Warp Gate; this is where the underwater tunnel brings you if you take the other route just described.
Health Power-Up 2
Location: |
Raziel's territory |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates |
- Return to Raziel's clan territory via the Warp Gate. Exit the Warp Gate chamber into the upper courtyard. Head towards the lower courtyard.
- Between the upper and lower courtyards, you will find a health power-up. It's set in the wall, behind bars, to Raziel's left. There is a tall, moveable block against the opposite wall. You will need to position this so Raziel can stand on it to phase through the bars and collect the power-up.
Health Power-Up 3
Location: |
Between the exit from the Underworld and the Sanctuary of the Clans |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates |
- Return to the room where Raziel first encountered vampires - Dumahim fledglings - in Soul Reaver. It is between the exit from the Underworld and the Sanctuary of the Clans.
- There is a pool of water in this room. The health power-up is in the pool, underwater, behind a grate. Shift into the Spectral Realm and phase through the grate to collect it.
Health Power-Up 4
Location: |
The Human Citadel |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates |
- Start at the Human Citadel's Warp Gate. Exit the Warp Gate chamber and follow the corridor into the square town-like area. Go around the square, and exit it through a door. Go downstairs and through another door.
- You should now be in a large room, with slopes leading to a lower level. Remaining on the same level, look for a door - near a flickering light - and go through. Go upstairs and through another door.
- The next large room should have a water channel in it. Jump over the channel, and look for a hexagonal valve on the wall to Raziel's left. Turn it to drain the water. Go down the channel.
- Fight the Revived Vampire, and position the blocks so Raziel can stand on them to phase through the grate, part-way up the right wall. Once through the grate, go upstairs.
- Shift back into the Material Realm using the planar portal, go upstairs and use the lever to open the gate. The health power-up is in the room behind the gate.
Health Power-Up 5
Location: |
The Sanctuary of the Clans |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates |
- Go back to the Sanctuary of the Clans; you will probably be heading back there at this point in the game, anyway.
- Enter the Sanctuary by phasing through the gate on the right-hand side of the building. The health power-up is in plain view for Raziel to collect.
Health power-ups reachable after gaining the Soul Reaver
Health Power-Up 6
Location: |
The Silenced Cathedral (Zephon's territory) |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates, the Soul Reaver |
- This power-up is inside the Silenced Cathedral, and Raziel will need the Soul Reaver to enter the building. Part way through the cathedral, Raziel uses a crank to move a carved stone that blocks a doorway. Shifting into the Spectral Realm, Raziel can get through the doorway before the stone moves back, and into the room beyond.
- This area is guarded by Vampire Worshippers. Go up the slope in this room to find a door. Go through, then jump across the corridor. Go through the door on the other side. Follow the passage to yet another door. Beyond that is a room decorated with the same carved design as the stone Raziel moved. There are also a couple of Zephonim.
- The health power-up is encased in a semi-transparent structure. You will need to have Raziel phase through the grate in this room and solve a block puzzle. This will cause the structure to open, allowing Raziel to collect the power-up.
Health power-ups reachable after gaining the Scale Walls ability
Health Power-Up 7
Location: |
Exit from the Underworld |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Scale Walls |
- Go back to the exit from the Underworld (this is where Raziel found the first planar portal in Soul Reaver).
- Look up at the rock face surrounding the Stonehenge-like structure. There is a health power-up hidden at the top of some scalable wall. Climb up to collect it.
Health Power-Up 8
Location: |
The Necropolis (Melchiah's territory) |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Scale Walls |
- Return to Melchiah's clan territory via the Warp Gate. Exit the Warp Gate chamber into the area with the lake.
- Halfway across the lake there is a health power-up set high in the wall to Raziel's left. You will need to make Raziel jump on to the scalable wall underneath it, and climb up to collect the power-up.
Health Power-Up 9
Location: |
The Human Citadel |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Scale Walls |
- Start at the Human Citadel's Warp Gate. Exit the Warp Gate chamber and follow the corridor into the square town-like area. Go right, and you should find a waterfall around the corner.
- There is a scalable wall behind the waterfall, and the health power-up is at the top. Climb up the wall to collect the power-up.
Health power-ups reachable after gaining the Telekinetic Force Projectile ability
Health Power-Up 10
Location: |
Near Nupraptor's Retreat |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Scale Walls, Telekinetic Force Projectile |
- Starting at the ruins of Nupraptor's Retreat, enter the ruins through the eye socket of the skull, and work your way up through the building.
- From the lower-jaw plate of the skull (all that remains on top of the cliff), jump to the ledge with the brazier. Walking along this ledge will take you into the Stone Gylph Altar. The power-up can be seen on a ledge opposite.
- There is a block with a target pattern below the power-up's ledge. Shoot this with a Telekinetic Force Projectile. It will move, clearing a scalable route from the valley floor, past the Stone Glyph Warp Gate, to the power-up.
Health power-ups reachable after gaining the Swimming ability
Health Power-Up 11
Location: |
The Human Citadel |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Scale Walls, Telekinetic Force Projectile, Swimming |
- Start at the Human Citadel's Warp Gate. Exit the Warp Gate chamber and follow the corridor into the square town-like area. Go around the square, and exit it through a door. Go downstairs and through another door.
- You should now be in a large room, with slopes leading to a lower level. Jump into the water. Underneath where the two slopes converge, there is a grate that can be destroyed with a Telekinetic Forge Projectile.
- Swim through the underwater pipes. Eventually you will surface into a dark brick room with a waterfall.
- There is a staircase that leads to the Water Glyph Altar. There is a scalable wall opposite those stairs. Climb it. The power-up it at the end of a long, winding corridor.
Health Power-Up 12
Location: |
Outside the Silenced Cathedral (Zephon's territory) |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates, Scale Walls, Swimming |
- Return to the Warp Gate outside of the Silenced Cathedral. Exit the Warp Gate chamber and go to the cathedral's entrance.
- Swim left inside the moat channel, until you find a passage branching off it. Go down this passage to an open area at the end. Jump out of the water, and onto land. Climb the scaleable wall to collect the health power-up.
Health power-ups reachable after gaining the Constrict ability
Health Power-Up 13
Location: |
The Ruined City of the Dumahim (Dumah's territory) |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Phase Through Gates, Climbing, Swimming, Constrict |
- After killing Dumah, return to the room with the toppled obelisk. Take the route from the obelisk room to the courtyard with a statue.
- Use Constrict on the statue. This will cause it to turn, and open the doors ahead, left and right, depending on the statue's orientation. The power-up is in the room ahead; assuming you haven't moved the statue before, two turns in either direction will open the correct doors. The power-up is guarded by two adult Turelim (these are Revived Vampires with the soul-sucking ability).
Health Power-Up 14
Location: |
Raziel's territory |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Constrict |
- Return to the drawbridge tower in Raziel's former territory. By using Constrict on the dial in the centre of the tower, you can choose to associate the lever with any one of the four drawbridges, and thus visit three new areas. One of these areas contains a health power-up. Assuming you haven't moved the dial before, one turn to the left should select the correct drawbridge. Pull the lever to lower it.
- Cross the drawbridge and follow the corridor until you enter a room. The power-up should be clearly visible.
Health Power-Up 15
Location: |
The Drowned Abbey (Rahab's territory) |
Abilities Needed To Reach It: |
Telekinetic Force Projectile, Constrict |
- Find the room in the Drowned Abbey where a cross-shaped bridge over a water pool is intersected by a thick, upright pole. The pole is threaded, like a screw.
- Use Constrict on the pole. This will cause it to turn and lift, exposing a drain in the water pool below. At the bottom of the drained pool, there are two moveable blocks embedded in the wall. The health power-up is in a small room behind one of these. It is guarded by an adult Rahabim (this is a Revived Vampire with the soul-sucking ability).